Tag Archives: puppy Chantilly

Common Dreamy Puppy Complaints and Their Remedies

Taking care of little puppy is just like taking care of little babies. Many pet owners find it amusing and soul uplifting experience to feed these cute puppies, taking care of them and help them grow into healthy young dogs. Dreamy puppy store often gets enquiry from many such pet lovers who want young puppies for themselves, for their kids or for their friends etc. But many times the puppy store also receives complaints from new puppy owners who find some of the habits of these puppies very annoying. At such times the experts and the vets at the dog store provide these owners their best guidance and support.

Some of the most common issues that owners feel like discussing with the dog experts are:

Excessive barking by dreamy puppy – Young puppies yelp a lot. After all, they leave their place and are supposed to get adjusted in entirely new atmosphere. No matter how comfortable the owner has made its house for the new guest but the puppy won’t prefer it over the company of its sibling pups. Experts at the puppy store recommend that the owner should buy the puppy a small basket and place it near the bedroom, most preferably in bathroom. This way the owner would be able to keep an eye on puppy and the puppy will also feel comfortable and not alone.

Biting by dreamy puppy puppies – Biting or nipping is a part of puppies’ upbringing. Almost all babies of carnivore animals do this. Biting each other is part of their games. This way these babies learn to hunt and kill. But pet dog does not need this practice much and if these puppies are not stopped biting at early stage, this habit can turn into a serious problem for owners. And that is why experts at Dreamy Puppy Fredericksburg suggest that the owner should discourage puppies from doing this. How? Simply make discouraging gestures, make loud sound to startle them or push finger into their mouth so that they could relate biting with all these unpleasant experiences.

Making mess – Many times, in Dreamy Puppy reviews, owners discuss about how these puppies make a mess around the house. How difficult it is to potty train them. Pet owner needs to understand it takes almost six months to train these puppies for these basic things. Experts at Dreamy Puppy Chantilly suggest that owner should place the puppy basket at bathroom so the bathroom is easily accessible for pets. Bathrooms are easy to clean as well and never forget to reward puppies when they poop or pee at the assigned place.

Dreamy Puppy complaints related to health issues –  Even though these puppies go through vaccinations and de worming at the dog store before being handed over, they still need regular health checkups for a good health.

Conclusion – Taking care of a puppy is not an easy task especially for the first time owners but with the help of experts and with their guidance it can be easier. Dreamy Puppy store has got professionals, pet experts and vets that are always there to listen to the complaints and suggest the owners the best solution for the problems.

These experts provide the owners with their guidance in training the dreamy puppy puppies and help the puppies develop into well behaved dogs.